Move over, Bach, there’s a new organist in town

Screenshot of Spotify embed for the song "Summer Gonna Break My Heart," by Dave Kerschbaum

Last year, my wonderfully talented colleague Dave invited me to improvise an organ track on a song he wrote. The song is called Summer Gonna Break My Heart.

I have played the piano since I was 2 years old, and I’ve worked as an accompanist in a few different settings. Even so, I never took to improvisation or recording.

In other words, this was a first for me! I appreciated that Dave was willing to work with my haphazard and slightly off-assignment track. 🙂 I used my Yamaha digital piano for this, not an actual organ.

Give it a listen!

Spotify: Summer Gonna Break My Heart by Dave Kerschbaum

Check out the rest of Dave’s album, A Requiem of Cicadas: